■ 2023年 受賞作品・入選者一覧 ■
最優秀賞 |
森屋 桃代
Moriya Momoyo
作品名: Hitotoki Light
作品コンセプト: |
Hitotoki Light は、20mm程度の大きさで電池を主電源としています。
Have you ever been given a piece of candy along with a small message saying "Good luck"?
The time you eat that candy and feel the sweetness in your mouth is a strange way to forget your anxiety and tension, relax,and regain your energy.
I propose lighting that brings those “Amai Hitotoki" into your busy daily life.
Hitotoki Light is approximately 20mm in size and uses batteries as its main power source. When removed from the wrapping paper, which functions as an insulator, it begins to emit light.
It also provides a “Amai Hitotoki" where you can spend a peaceful time in a small amount of light.
優秀賞 |
尾野 克矩
Ono Katsunori
株式会社 高池葉子建築設計事務所
作品名:ひとすじの光 / いちりんの花 (ひとすじのひかり / いちりんのはな)
作品コンセプト: |
a ray of light / a single flower
Gifts are born when we want to express our joy and gratitude to someone, when we feel that words are not enough. Sometimeswe send a single flower.
Through something not practical but simple and beautiful, we convey and share our feelings with that small emotion. I wondered if I could express such cheerful behavior as a light.
A palm-sized illumination is formed by a tube-shaped luminous body that produces seamless light.
The ray of light is handedfrom person to person, bringing small surprises and smiles.
When the light is inserted into a disk-shaped platform mounted onthe interior wall, it forms a single flower vase. While feeling the heart of a sender in the continuing light, color will be added to the interior landscape.
鈴木 匠
Suzuki Takumi
作品コンセプト: |
“A comforting light that does not exist in today's Japan."
This light gives healing to the daily fatigue.
The lamp is made of paper, and its soft and beautiful curves express the giver's kindness.
The light that leaks from the gaps of the lamp gives courage and healing light to the recipient.
In today's Japan, people are busy with work. If you look around you, you will see people sleeping on the train or working late into the night.
This light for such a society, I want to give…
佳作 |
山口 貴司
Yamaguchi Takashi
三日月アーキテクツ (mikaduki architects)
作品名:あかりのブーケ bouquet of lights
作品コンセプト: |
The flowers scattered in the white light cast by the neatly lined streetlights give the night street a gentle and warm feel.
Flowers are bundled with white light and projected onto the night street using the principle of shadow puppetry.
It's like a bouquet sent from a streetlight, and it makes people walking on the street feel happy.
佳作 |
名畑 碧哉(写真左)
Nahata Aoi
studio kumo
小野 里紗(写真右)
Ono Lisa
studio kumo
作品名:贈り合うあかり (おくりあうあかり)
作品コンセプト: |
give each other light
Proposal of lighting like giving flowers to each other. The plant-like lighting using OLED wires is wirelessly powered from thepedestal to light up the room. The lighting can be freely laid out on the pedestal just like arranging plants, lighting up the roomlike a flower garden or decorating it like a vase and illuminating only the hand.
佳作 |
松下 直樹
Matsushita Naoki
作品名:Time to Light
作品コンセプト: |
「Time to Light」は、幅1cm、長さ80cmの細い帯状のもので、ブレスレットとして腕につけたり、アクセサリーとしてカバンにつけたりなど、日常に溶け込ませることができる。また、照度は照明の裏側にあるソーラーパネルが発電する電気量によって変化するため、贈り物を考える時間が長いほどより多くの発電をすることとなる。
People think about gifts while thinking about various things. The stronger your feelings towards the other person, the more[time] you think about it.
In doing so, you are not only giving a gift to the other person, but also giving your own [time]. Thus, [light] is a way to give the[time] thinking about the other person.[Time to Light] is a thin strip with a width of 1cm and a length of 80cm, that can be worn as a bracelet on the arm or attached to a bag as an accessory, allowing it to blend into everyday life. Furthermore, the brightness changes depending on the amount of electricity generated from the solar panel located behind the strip. So the longer you think about the gift, the moreelectricity will be produced.
Small everyday gifts shine faintly, while gifts given to loved ones will shine brightly.
佳作 |
石井 孝宜(写真左)
Ishii Takanori
Lumimedia lab株式会社 / 取締役
原 盛夫(写真右)
Hara Morio
作品コンセプト: |
Sharing the Lights
The act of gifting does not mean the act of giving. It is established the moment the recipient recognizes that the gift hasbeen ”received”. In other words, the act of gifting is established when some kind of relationship arises between the recipientand the gifter.
When we receive the free love of nature, the sun, we can be grateful, take it to heart, and as a result, share that love withothers.
Inspired by this relationship, we wanted to facilitate a relationship of mutual gifting through the sharing of light.
Thinking of the other person can result in filling the space with light and gifting the necessary brightness. By sharing light, the cycle of gifting will bring the relationship more intimate.